Picture Day – 6 Months


10/23/15 11/23/15 12/23/15 1/23/16 2/23/16 3/23/16 4/23/16
Weight 220 213.4 207.2 201 195.6  * 185.2
Bust 47.75″ 45.75″ 45.5″ 44″ 44″  *  43″
Waist 47″ 46.5″ 43″ 43.5″ 42″  *  40.5″
Hips 51.5″ 47″ 46.5″ 45.5″ 44.5″  * 44″

* See Picture Day – 5 Months



Before front - 10/23/15  front after pictures April 2016

Before-Side-102315  side after picture April 2016

I had to change my shirt again because it was too big!  See my Trim Healthy Mama Before & After Photos page to view all before and after photos of my THM journey.



I’ve been eating THM-style for 26 weeks!  Half of a year!  I originally committed to trying THM for a year to see if it really works.  Um, yeah.  It really works!  In another 26 weeks, I WILL NOT be going back to my old ways!  I’m anxiously awaiting being able to get blood test numbers in October.  Though that does make be a bit nervous as I hear reports of people who have wildly improved numbers and then others who see no improvement or even worse numbers.  It’s hard to believe I eat food this good and will have my numbers improve.  I guess time will tell.

Just this past week I upped the ante and started using the Couch to 5k app to train to jog a 5k in September.  In late February, I began weekly walks with my sister to get ready to walk a 5k.  Very quickly, and surprisingly, we realized that walking 5k was not going to be a problem.  I got to thinking that if it wasn’t really a challenge for me to walk one, I needed to “kick it up a notch.”

I also did an updated belly pic.  It does appear to be shrinking, of course not as fast as I would like.  There is about 15 pounds difference between the January and April photos.  There haven’t been any hugely significant changes in my routine in these 3 months.  In late February, I started walking once or twice a week to get ready for a 5k in June.  I’m talking a 2-3 mile walk once a week and maybe another walk of 1-2 miles (but more often than not, that doesn’t happen).    So, hang in there mamas with bellies!  It will shrink!



One thought on “Picture Day – 6 Months

  1. Regina Tonn says:

    WAY TO GO!!! I wish I had taken more pictures. Right now I’m in the 100 day challenge. I took pictures the first day and will again on day 100. You are doing great. So proud for you!


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